In University Sisters of Assumption way of life, prayer is central in deep and conscious awareness of the holy presence of God who is always in our midst as we pray ‘’ Stay with us Lord Jesus- Now and forever’’ (Luke 24:29). As the early tradition expressed it- without prayer, there is no University Sisters of Assumption, because ‘’a non-prayerful sister is a dead sister’’. Community prayer and personal prayer form the cornerstone on which the Congregation is built.
The Sisters base their whole existence on God after the example of Jesus Christ who always went into the wilderness, to the mountain and other lonely places to commune with God and be transfigured (Matt 4:1-2; Luke 9:28-36; 22:39-46). He prayed in the presence of the Apostles (Luke 11:2-4; John 17) and also before the people in intercession and supplication, as well as praising God (John 11:41-42).
Mary the Mother of Jesus Assumed into Heaven is our Patron and our model. Sisters imitate her in her prayer of praise (Luke 1:46-55), contemplation of the Lord Jesus Christ and his mysteries (Luke 2: 52), intercession and supplication (John 2:1-5). Sisters are always conscious of Mary as their companion and intercessor (Acts 1:14).
The fruit of prayer is service for the Church. The University Sisters of Assumption apostolate seeks to serve Christ in the world and to reveal His Holy Presence through faith-filled conviction, expressed in commitment to prayer life, trusting and believing one another in a Community of love and zealous commitment to the apostolate through teaching, counselling and pastoral care. Special emphasis is given to the youth to helping them and others along the road to prayer and meditation towards a deeper personal friendship with God.
The Gospel is the operative faith of the Sisters, who find endless sustenance in studying, meditating and sharing among themselves the word of God. In that way and in respectful attitude they can express their entire life in this complementary expression: To be the word in order to proclaim the word. In practical terms, the Sisters have the Scriptures, especially the Gospel, within reach, to read them often, to study the, seriously, to be habitually nourished by them and to practise them faithfully. The Gospel is ‘’their First and Principal Rule’’.